How much does it cost to commission a painting?
Portrait artists cost how much?
I’m often asked: “How much does it cost to commission a painting?” “how much do portrait artists charge”?
Prices/costs of portrait artists vary dramatically. You can buy cheap portraits online usually produced in China for under £60. The reason why they are so cheap is because they are produced in Photoshop then printed onto canvas. Portraiture is a skill, it’s a talent and great oil portraits take time to paint. Oil paints and high-grade canvases are expensive so if you’re being charged under £100 for an oil portrait then there is of course a reason for this.
So how much does it really cost to commission an oil painting? Good portrait artists usually charge anything from £250 to £3000. It depends if the artist is an up-and-coming-artist, how many people you want to have painted into your oil painting, how large it is and if you have commissioned a painting from a famous portrait artist.
How much does it cost to commission a painting by Photos from Portraits?
Portraits from Photos charges from £250 for a single head & shoulder portrait. Our oil paintings from photos take between 4 – 6 weeks to complete and are painstakingly and lovingly hand painted by one of our 5 portrait artists. We do not use digital trickery or software to paint our oil paintings. To see more of our prices – please view our price guide.
So how much should you pay to commission a painting from a portrait artist?
It all depends on what you’re after. For some people budget is more important than the actual quality of the painting. For some it’s important to have a famous portrait artist paint their oil painting and for some people as long as the oil portrait looks fantastic it doesn’t matter so much about budget or if the artist is famous or not.
Who are we?
Portraits from Photos is a small online art studio of 5 portrait artists who paint beautiful hand painted oil paintings based on your favourite photos. If you’d like a quote for a portrait or if you need to read our helpful oil portraits from photos guide then please get in touch or leave a comment below.
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